Move well through life.

Because we are a mobile Physical Therapy clinic, we have an average of 300% more face-to-face interaction time with our patients.

Chronic pain and injury are discouraging, and many physical therapists give you generic treatment plans and make you push through pain. At BR3 Health & Performance we come to you with our mobile concierge physical therapy services. Our proven process listens to your body and creates a personalized plan to help you move toward the goals that we set together. Call us today and experience a future that is more mobile and pain free than you thought was possible.

Move through life with more mobility and less pain.

Physical Therapy


Sports Performance

Few things are more discouraging that chronic pain and injury that robs you of your mobility and keeps you from your goals. But it what if your body was trying to tell you something that could be the very roadmap to your healing and recovery?

Experience the 3 “R’s”


  • The first phase is returning to baseline function. We focus on managing your pain through an individualized movement solution. This may include improvements to your daily and weekly habits, incorporating mobility, and focus on body mechanics in order to achieve improved tolerance.


  • The next step is to increase the body’s resilience. The goal is to build a stronger foundation to have less discomfort in the activities you enjoy. You will challenge your muscles in new ways which may include isolated and functional strengthening/stability exercises.


  • In the final step you will unlock your potential! After restoring the baseline and building on the body’s resilience, you can now reap the benefits of the new gains you have acquired. Whether it is participating in sports or improving efficiency in your daily life activities, reinvent yourself by looking for new ways to challenge the body and see its full capability. The end goal is to provide you with all the tools necessary to keep you healthy and prevent potential injuries.

Meet Dr. Bryan Munoz

Bryan received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Since then, his professional focus has been in orthopedics. He focuses on treating a wide array of musculoskeletal conditions and developing individualized exercise routines for his clients to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. He has attended a variety of courses which include, concussion management, shoulder rehab, and performance rehab/training. He is the founder and owner of BR3 Health & Performance. Bryan currently lives in Teaneck, NJ and enjoys watching Marvel movies, spending time with family, and planning travel adventures.

CEO of BR3 Health & Performance

  • Northeastern University: Doctorate of Physical Therapy - 2015

    Northeastern University: Bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Science with a minor in Business Administration - 2014

  • Licensed Physical Therapist - NJ

    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

    Hospital for Special Surgery Sports Safety Educator (HSS-SSE)

    Champion Performance Specialist (C-PS)

    Certified in the Barbell Rehab Method (BRM)

Our Guiding Principles:

  • BR3 is passionate about continuing education and how to apply the latest research to patient treatment.

  • Because we are a mobile Physical therapy clinic, we have an average of 300% more face-to-face interaction time with our patients.

  • We don’t believe in just blindly pushing through pain. We believe that you should empathetically listen to what your body is trying to tell you, and use these indicators as a roadmap to your healing.

Is your body becoming your ally instead of the barrier holding you back from your personal goals in what should be the best season of your life?

Call us today and experience a future that is more mobile and pain free than you thought was possible!